Anti-conversion therapy bill passes out of committee

Thu. March 19, 2015 6:14 AM by Windy City Media Group

Springfield, IL - The Illinois House Juvenile Justice Committee, on March 17, voted to send HB 217, a bill that prohibits so-called "conversion therapy" for Illinoisans under the age of 18, to a vote in the full House. The bill's chief House sponsor is state Rep. Kelly Cassidy.

Largely discredited amongst mental health practitioners and organizations, conversion therapy purportedly changes the sexual orientation of a patient.

In a May 17 statement, issued before the vote, Cassidy said, "This archaic form of so-called treatment is based on an outdated and flawed philosophy that greatly increases the risk of suicide and mental anguish to the children who are forced to participate. Today I join with the most respected mental health organizations in our state to call for an immediate end to this abuse."

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