Quigley Urges Marriage Equality under Federal Law with Respect for Marriage Act

Fri. January 9, 2015 12:40 PM

rep. mike quigley (d-il)

Washington, DC - On Tuesday, U.S. Representative Mike Quigley (IL-05) joined 78 other House members to introduce the Respect for Marriage Act (RMA), a bill to repeal the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and ensure that all legally-married, same-sex couples are treated equally under federal law.

"The Supreme Court made a historic decision to repeal parts of the disgraceful Defense of Marriage Act in Windsor v. United States. I applauded their decision, but there is still more work to be done," said Rep. Quigley. "Now, Congress must finish the job to repeal DOMA and pass RMA, so that all married couples are fairly treated and respected under federal law. It is time we recognize all love as equal. "

In 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court held in Windsor v. United States that Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act, defining marriage for federal purposes as between one man and one woman, was unconstitutional under the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment. The Supreme Court's decision in Windsor, however, left intact Section 2 of DOMA, which expressly permits states to disregard same-sex marriage granted in other states. As a result, in June 2014, one year after the Supreme Court's ruling, the Department of Justice issued a report concluding that without legislation, married same-sex couples will continue to be denied critical federal benefits. Specifically, the report concluded the government could not issue Social Security or veterans' benefits to some married, same-sex couples because the agencies "are required by law to confer marriage-related benefits based on the law of the state in which the married couple reside or resided, preventing the extension of benefits to same-sex married couples" in certain states.

The Justice Department report stated that enactment of a bill like the Respect for Marriage Act would ensure that federal benefits are awarded equally.

As a member of the Congressional Equality Caucus, Rep. Quigley has been a tireless advocate for the LGBT community. He called on Illinois state legislators to pass marriage equality and celebrated when that day came. He is a co-sponsor of the original Respect for Marriage Act of 2009, and has lent his support to the national NOH8 Campaign, a global visual art protest against legislation banning gay marriage. Prior to the Supreme Court overturning the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in 2013, Rep. Quigley was a critical opponent of the law and hosted a DOMA field forum to investigate the negative impacts of the law on individuals and families in Chicago.On Tuesday, U.S. Representative Mike Quigley (IL-05) joined 78 other House members to introduce the Respect for Marriage Act (RMA), a bill to repeal the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and ensure that all legally-married, same-sex couples are treated equally under federal law.