Regulars of popular Feast of Fools podcast appear on reality tv show
Wed. October 8, 2008 12:00 AM

marc felion, teri yaki and fausto fernos
Chicago, IL -
Amanda Steinstein of the "Feast of Fools" podcast may be the worst-dressed woman in the world to be documented in what is the gayest episode ever of TLC's reality TV show "What Not To Wear" airing Friday October 17th at 9PM EST, 8PM CST.
Fausto Fernós and Marc Felion, hosts of the top-rated podcast "Feast of Fools," nominated their friend, a regular guest of their talk show, for a much-needed makeover to help her recover from her fashion disasters on "What Not To Wear" (WNTW) . Fernós and Felion found an ally in WNTW hosts Stacy London and Clinton Kelly for their "War on Ugly" to combat Amanda's wardrobe of mass destruction.
The producers of the long-running reality TV show say the episode featuring the fashion-flawed diva Amanda Steinstein is the "gayest episode ever," as her friends Fausto and Marc ransack her closets and try on her sequins and tiaras as if they are in their own drag pageant. Producers of the show, which is in its seventh season, suggest that Amanda may in fact be the "the worst-dressed woman in the history of the show."
TLC's website describes the episode as "Single in Chicago, Amanda's looking for the right man, but she likes to dress in drag and hide her feminine side. To her, everything is a costume, and style is not a concern."
Fausto Fernós, host of "Feast of Fools," insists that the poorly-dressed Amanda "practically lives in black leggings, and all her shirts and sweaters are oversized. In summer she wears these horrible Hawaiian shirts which have a nautical theme, as in Titanic meets the Poseidon Adventure."
Marc Felion, co-host of "Feast of Fools" who nominated Amanda, claims he knew she needed an intervention for her fashion sense when he saw her in what he describes as "vintage 80s Ray Ban sunglasses, a Hawaiian shirt, black leggings and a black beret!" The first thing he said to her was, "I am embarrassed for you to be dressed like that." Amanda replied "Yeah, I know. Whatever."
But there is hope for Amanda, and the duo who nominated her say she is, for the most part, sticking with her "What Not To Wear" makeover. Amanda says of her new look, It takes a little more planning than I'm used to; like something may need to be steamed or ironed before I put it on. The hardest part is the shoes. I know they look better, but they hurt.
The gang plan on watching the episode with friends and fans of both "Feast of Fools" and "What Not To Wear" at Hydrate Nightclub in Chicago with drag queens impersonating the "before" and "after" "Amanda." Join them for what should be an enlightening and fabulous evening watching what producers describe as "four or five years of therapy crammed into an hour long show."
Fausto Fernós and Marc Felion, hosts of the top-rated podcast "Feast of Fools," nominated their friend, a regular guest of their talk show, for a much-needed makeover to help her recover from her fashion disasters on "What Not To Wear" (WNTW) . Fernós and Felion found an ally in WNTW hosts Stacy London and Clinton Kelly for their "War on Ugly" to combat Amanda's wardrobe of mass destruction.
The producers of the long-running reality TV show say the episode featuring the fashion-flawed diva Amanda Steinstein is the "gayest episode ever," as her friends Fausto and Marc ransack her closets and try on her sequins and tiaras as if they are in their own drag pageant. Producers of the show, which is in its seventh season, suggest that Amanda may in fact be the "the worst-dressed woman in the history of the show."
TLC's website describes the episode as "Single in Chicago, Amanda's looking for the right man, but she likes to dress in drag and hide her feminine side. To her, everything is a costume, and style is not a concern."
Fausto Fernós, host of "Feast of Fools," insists that the poorly-dressed Amanda "practically lives in black leggings, and all her shirts and sweaters are oversized. In summer she wears these horrible Hawaiian shirts which have a nautical theme, as in Titanic meets the Poseidon Adventure."
Marc Felion, co-host of "Feast of Fools" who nominated Amanda, claims he knew she needed an intervention for her fashion sense when he saw her in what he describes as "vintage 80s Ray Ban sunglasses, a Hawaiian shirt, black leggings and a black beret!" The first thing he said to her was, "I am embarrassed for you to be dressed like that." Amanda replied "Yeah, I know. Whatever."
But there is hope for Amanda, and the duo who nominated her say she is, for the most part, sticking with her "What Not To Wear" makeover. Amanda says of her new look, It takes a little more planning than I'm used to; like something may need to be steamed or ironed before I put it on. The hardest part is the shoes. I know they look better, but they hurt.
The gang plan on watching the episode with friends and fans of both "Feast of Fools" and "What Not To Wear" at Hydrate Nightclub in Chicago with drag queens impersonating the "before" and "after" "Amanda." Join them for what should be an enlightening and fabulous evening watching what producers describe as "four or five years of therapy crammed into an hour long show."