Finland is 12th European nation to legalize gay marriage

Sun. November 30, 2014 9:23 AM by

Chicago, IL - Nearly two years after it rejected a gay marriage bill, the Finnish parliament on Friday narrowly reversed itself.

According to The Guardian, the vote was 105 to 92.

"Finland should strive to become a society where discrimination does not exist, human rights are respected and two adults can marry regardless of their sexual orientation," Prime Minister Alexander Stubb said in an open letter published before voting took place.

A public campaign called on lawmakers to reconsider the marriage bill rejected in February, 2013.

Any citizens petition that gathers at least 50,000 valid signatures must be considered. Marriage equality supporters reached that goal on their first day. Last year, organizers of the "Tahdon2013" ("I Do") campaign said that they had collected more than 162,000 signatures in six months.

A survey released last year showed a majority (58%) of Finns support marriage equality, while 34 percent remain opposed.

Finland, the last Scandinavian country to legalize marriage for gay and lesbian couples, has recognized the unions of gay couples with registered partnerships since 2002. Gay couples are also allowed to adopt their partner's biological children since 2009.

Finland is the 12th European nation with marriage equality.

Article provided in partnership with On Top Magazine