Bill Clinton: AIDS-free world is just over the horizon

Thu. July 24, 2014 8:14 AM by

Melbourne, Australia - Speaking at the AIDS 2014 conference in Melbourne, Australia on Wednesday, former president Bill Clinton said an AIDS-free generation was "within our reach."

Reaching that goal, Clinton said, would require people were on good treatment to reduce the risk of passing the virus during unprotected sex.

"Paediatric treatment continues to lag behind in many countries," he said. "We are trying to help countries eliminate mother-to-child transmission and this is one of the most exciting goals in public health and entirely achievable, and essential to achieving an AIDS-free generation."

"We need to scale up treatment to get it to those who need it if an AIDS-free generation is to be within our reach."

Clinton added that combating stigma and prejudice was essential to the goal.

"The AIDS-free world that so many of you have worked for so long to build is just over the horizon. And we just have to step up the pace," Clinton said.

Article provided in partnership with On Top Magazine