Indiana House schedules vote on proposed gay marriage ban

Fri. January 24, 2014 10:30 AM by

Indianapolis, IN - The Indiana House on Thursday scheduled a vote on a proposal to put a gay marriage ban in the Indiana Constitution.

The House will vote on HJR-3 on Monday.

"Monday's vote is about so much more than defeating a single piece of legislation," said Peter Hanscom, deputy campaign manager for Freedom Indiana, the coalition working to derail the ban. "It's about real people, real Hoosier families who would forever suffer the consequences of this deeply flawed amendment."

Indiana is the first state to consider a marriage ban since the Supreme Court ruled a key provision of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) unconstitutional in June. DOMA, which prohibited federal agencies from recognizing the marriages of gay couples, inspired many of the state bans that followed.

A House panel on Wednesday voted to send HJR-3 to the full House. The vote came a day after House Speaker Brian Bosma, a Republican from Indianapolis, pulled the proposed ban out from the House Judiciary Committee, where support appeared weak after a hearing last week, to the House Elections and Appointment Committee, where all 9 Republicans voted for the measure.

(Related: Proposed Indiana gay marriage ban clears House panel.)

Rep. Eric Turner, a Republican from Cicero, introduced the measure in 2011. It easily cleared the House and Senate with bipartisan support. However, a second vote is needed before the amendment can head to voters in November.

Article provided in partnership with On Top Magazine