NFL star Brendon Ayanbadejo poses 'nude' for NOH8 campaign
Sat. August 31, 2013 9:27 AM by News Staff

brendon ayanbadejo poses for noh8 campaign
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NFL star and outspoken LGBT-rights ally Brendon Ayanbadejo posed nude for the popular NOH8 campaign.
"A real man supports equality," Ayanbadejo said in a message.
This is not the first time Ayanbadejo participated in the NOH8 campaign. The 36-year-old Ayanbadejo posed with his wife, daughter and son, Amadeus, in July.
Ayanbadejo has been a strong advocate for same-sex marriage. In March, he was among a group of professional athletes to come out in support of extending the freedom to marry to gay and lesbian couples in Illinois.
A three-time NFL Pro-Bowler, Ayanbadejo was born in Chicago and lived in the Lathrop Homes as a child. He played for the Chicago Bears from 2005-2007. Last year, Ayanbadejo, who is currently an NFL free agent, played for the Super Bowl XLVII champion Baltimore Ravens.
Ayanbadejo currently serves as a special guest editor of the Washington Blade's sports section.
Hundreds of celebrities other professional athletes, including former Minnesota Vikings punter Chris Kluwe, have participated in the NOH8 campaign to display their support for marriage equality.
"A real man supports equality," Ayanbadejo said in a message.
This is not the first time Ayanbadejo participated in the NOH8 campaign. The 36-year-old Ayanbadejo posed with his wife, daughter and son, Amadeus, in July.
Ayanbadejo has been a strong advocate for same-sex marriage. In March, he was among a group of professional athletes to come out in support of extending the freedom to marry to gay and lesbian couples in Illinois.
A three-time NFL Pro-Bowler, Ayanbadejo was born in Chicago and lived in the Lathrop Homes as a child. He played for the Chicago Bears from 2005-2007. Last year, Ayanbadejo, who is currently an NFL free agent, played for the Super Bowl XLVII champion Baltimore Ravens.
Ayanbadejo currently serves as a special guest editor of the Washington Blade's sports section.
Hundreds of celebrities other professional athletes, including former Minnesota Vikings punter Chris Kluwe, have participated in the NOH8 campaign to display their support for marriage equality.