NOM's Maggie Gallagher defends 'ex-gay' therapy; calls it 'help'

Wed. July 17, 2013 9:53 AM by

Maggie Gallagher, a co-founder of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), has come to the defense of providers of "ex-gay" therapy.

In an op-ed published in the National Review, Gallagher praised lawyer Chuck Limandri as "brave" for defending JONAH, a New Jersey-based Jewish "ex-gay" group, in a lawsuit filed by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

"Chuck Limandri, my old friend from the Carrie Prejean, Prop 8 fights, is a heckuva a lawyer and one brave man," Gallagher wrote. "He's taking on the Southern Poverty Law Center's massive legal machine to defend the right of Jewish gay people to seek help."

"SPLC is using consumer-fraud laws to try to bankrupt these small nonprofits and if it wins this case has announced plans to take it nationwide against 70 groups offering some form of sexual-orientation-change efforts. They must not want publicity because this landmark case is flying under all media radar screens."

The SPLC announced its first-of-its-kind lawsuit with several press releases and plaintiffs in the lawsuit made television appearances discussing the details in the case.

Gallagher waded in on the issue as the "ex-gay" movement faces increasing turmoil. In addition to the case against JONAH, the SPLC has filed a complaint against an Oregon therapist alleging that he attempted to turn a young gay man in his care straight without his consent. Also, the implosion of Exodus International, which billed itself as the world's oldest and largest "ex-gay" ministry, led the Family Research Council (FRC) to form two new "ex-gay" groups, Voice of the Voiceless and Justice for All, which in turn announced – then canceled – Ex-Gay Pride Month.

Article provided in partnership with On Top Magazine