Activists arrested In Paris protesting gay marriage

Mon. May 27, 2013 11:46 AM by

Paris, France - Ninety-six protesters were arrested Sunday by police in Paris as a group of hardline activists clashed with riot police hours after a massive demonstration calling for repeal of a recently approved gay marriage law had officially ended.

An estimated 150,000 protesters gathered at the historic Esplanade des Invalides just across the Seine River from the Champs Elysees to voice their disapproval with the law set to take effect on Wednesday.

According to RT, a group of roughly 200 activists attacked riot police, TV camera crews and press photographers with bottles, stones, fireworks and flares.

The clash occurred more than an hour after the demonstration had officially ended and the majority of people had headed home.

Many of those who were detained refused police orders to disperse, clashed with police, or occupied private property.

Police arrested an additional 50 protesters on Saturday.

Article provided in partnership with On Top Magazine