zachary quinto reprises spock role in "into darkness"
photo credit // www.startrek.com
The classic 'Star Trek' vehicle gets restored for the next (movie) generation
The latest installment of the Star Trek series' latest theatrical installment, Star Trek: Into Darkness—the sequel to the 2009-released re-envisioned 60's-eraed original—makes it U.S. theatrical debut May 16, 2013. The IMAX Theater release took place one day prior, boldly taking the movie franchise's 12th incarnation where no Trek has gone before.
Akin to its heritage, the film's plot strongly involves more of the re-imagined-but-mirrored same: The captain, crew and compliment of Star Fleet's flagship, The U.S.S. Enterprise, engage in intergalactic hijinks when psychopathic supermen and warmongering militants cross paths with the starship-piloting/peacekeeping space explorers. The ultimate course of which—despite the profound universe-alternating effects of the '09 storyline's rogue, time-traveling Romulan moon-miners—finds all in epic, outer-space naval combat, battling out their differences as mortal enemies once again for the very first time. How the scenarios and final outcomes of Into Darkness play out ultimately won't surprise diehard Trekkies and sci-fi fans but, by way of production quality, it's unlikely that they'll really see it coming.
Filmed for the supersized silver screens of IMAX theaters, combined with the audio intensity of the 360-degree, Dolby® CP 850 ATMOS™ Sound Processor and converted to 3D, the simple act of mentally interpreting the film's reveal is profoundly awing, bordering on the breach of human perception: Sub-space particles are aggressively rocketed into viewers' faces via Enterprise's warp-speed wake; nuclear thunder bellows through aural canals when the ship's dorsal thrusters vertically propel the vessel into Earth's stratosphere, atomically tearing gaseous clouds into exhausted, negatively charged ions. The experience so greatly hinders on the overwhelming that when Starfleet secret agent "John Harrison" finally shares his true identity, audiences may to be apt to immediately ask themselves, "What?"—to which Trek-fans will likely follow, "Oh, right. Duh."
As a barrage of intense phaser fire bore into the Enterprise hull, one member of the media-preview screening in Chicago's Kerasotes ShowPlace Theatre actually, for real, called out, "Holy Trek-ing shit!"
As for the quality of the film's plot structure and denouement, the immediate sentiments' of online critics are mixed and many. Whether the 2013 summer movie will be a blockbuster or just a bust, at press time, remains to be seen. Seemingly undeniable however that, love it or loathe it, to view Star Trek: Into Darkness is an action truly out of this world.
Akin to its heritage, the film's plot strongly involves more of the re-imagined-but-mirrored same: The captain, crew and compliment of Star Fleet's flagship, The U.S.S. Enterprise, engage in intergalactic hijinks when psychopathic supermen and warmongering militants cross paths with the starship-piloting/peacekeeping space explorers. The ultimate course of which—despite the profound universe-alternating effects of the '09 storyline's rogue, time-traveling Romulan moon-miners—finds all in epic, outer-space naval combat, battling out their differences as mortal enemies once again for the very first time. How the scenarios and final outcomes of Into Darkness play out ultimately won't surprise diehard Trekkies and sci-fi fans but, by way of production quality, it's unlikely that they'll really see it coming.
Filmed for the supersized silver screens of IMAX theaters, combined with the audio intensity of the 360-degree, Dolby® CP 850 ATMOS™ Sound Processor and converted to 3D, the simple act of mentally interpreting the film's reveal is profoundly awing, bordering on the breach of human perception: Sub-space particles are aggressively rocketed into viewers' faces via Enterprise's warp-speed wake; nuclear thunder bellows through aural canals when the ship's dorsal thrusters vertically propel the vessel into Earth's stratosphere, atomically tearing gaseous clouds into exhausted, negatively charged ions. The experience so greatly hinders on the overwhelming that when Starfleet secret agent "John Harrison" finally shares his true identity, audiences may to be apt to immediately ask themselves, "What?"—to which Trek-fans will likely follow, "Oh, right. Duh."
As a barrage of intense phaser fire bore into the Enterprise hull, one member of the media-preview screening in Chicago's Kerasotes ShowPlace Theatre actually, for real, called out, "Holy Trek-ing shit!"
As for the quality of the film's plot structure and denouement, the immediate sentiments' of online critics are mixed and many. Whether the 2013 summer movie will be a blockbuster or just a bust, at press time, remains to be seen. Seemingly undeniable however that, love it or loathe it, to view Star Trek: Into Darkness is an action truly out of this world.