Amazon Kindle ad includes married gay couple

Thu. February 21, 2013 10:19 AM by

A new ad for the Amazon Kindle Paperwhite features a married gay couple.

In the 30-second spot, a woman is reading on her paperwhite at the beach. The tablet the man sitting next to her is using suffers from too much glare, and he's not able to enjoy reading.

"This is perfect at the beach," the woman tells the man. "And with the built in light, I can read anywhere, anytime."

The man is convinced and buys a Kindle Paperwhite on his tablet, then declares: "We should celebrate."

"My husband's bringing me a drink right now," the woman states.

"So is mine," the man responds as the pair turn to wave to their husbands at the bar.

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and his wife MacKenzie donated $2.5 million last year to support Referendum 74, the Washington state ballot question which upheld the state's marriage law in November.

Article provided in partnership with On Top Magazine