Pro-Mitt Romney Super PAC ad knocks Obama's gay marriage nod

Wed. September 5, 2012 8:17 AM by Carlos Santoscoy

A pro-Mitt Romney super PAC has released a television ad criticizing President Barack Obama for his endorsement of gay marriage.

In May, Obama told ABC News' Robin Roberts that "I think same sex couples should be able to get married."

The president's nod cleared the way for Democrats to add support for marriage equality in the 2012 Democratic Platform, which is expected to be ratified Tuesday by Democratic delegates attending the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina.

According to, the ad produced by the Campaign for American Values is currently running in North Carolina.

In the ad, which is titled New Morning, a woman looks up from the morning paper to tell her husband: "Obama is trying to force gay marriage on this country. That's not the change I voted for. Marriage is between a man and a woman."

The husband agrees, prompting his wife to ask, "What can we do?"

"We can vote for someone with values," he answers as the words "VOTE ROMNEY/RYAN" appear on the screen.

The Campaign for American Values was founded in 2010 and has close ties to evangelical leader Gary Bauer, reported.

The commercial is just the latest example of conservatives attempting to capitalize on the president's views on social issues.

The super PAC Republican Union PAC has spent $950,000 to erect billboards in five key states – Florida, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia – which state, "Obama supports gay marriage and abortion," above the tagline, "Vote Republican."

The president's position on gay unions has also been criticized in radio ads produced by the National Organization for Marriage (NOM).

Article provided in partnership with On Top Magazine