Chick-Fil-A 'Tastes Like Hate' graffiti artist Manny Castro arrested

Sat. August 11, 2012 7:27 AM by

Los Angeles, CA - Manny Castro, the local artist who painted "Tastes Like Hate" on the side of a Chick-Fil-A eatery in Torrance, California, has been arrested.

Castro left his message two days after Chick-Fil-A restaurants were flooded with customers supporting CEO Dan Cathy's comments in opposition to gay marriage.

The Los Angeles Times reported that Castro was arrested on suspicion of vandalism on Wednesday in West Hollywood. Police are also looking for a second person they suspect played a role in the incident.

The openly gay, 30-year-old Castro stepped forward to take responsibility for the graffiti in remarks to The Huffington Post.

"Everybody is entitled to free speech, but it seems like for the gay tribe, this is more of an issue of equal rights – human rights," he said. "I'm against what these people stand for, what this company stands for. They're trying to take away what little rights we already have."

"It's paint on a wall," he added. "It got removed in less than an hour. It's not that much of a crime – it's a protest."

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