Call-in day organized against HIV funding cuts in Illinois

Tue. May 22, 2012 10:09 AM by News Staff

Chicago, IL - The AIDS Foundation of Chicago has organized a statewide call-in for Tuesday in an effort to highlight and speak-out against a proposed 50% funding cut to HIV/AIDS services in Illinois.

Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn has proposed a number of changes to the state's Medicaid system, which includes limiting access to life-saving HIV medications.

In an editorial published on the Huffington Post, AFC's President and CEO David Ernesto Munar argued that limiting access "would jeopardize the lives of HIV patients, exacerbate the spread of the disease, put additional burdens on medical professionals who provide care for people living with HIV and cost the state far more money than it saves."

According to Munar, the governor's proposed cuts will adversely impact nearly 12,000 Illinoisans living with HIV/AIDS who are insured through Medicaid.

On Monday, Illinois Senate Democrats released a budget blueprint that would wipe out HIV cuts and fund HIV programs at the same level as this year.

Although a step in the right direction, the Illinois General Assembly is about to make a decision on HIV/AIDS funding so AFC is encouraging its membership to contact state Representatives during Tuesday's Call-in Day Against HIV Funding Cuts.

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