Minnesota Republican State Senator Announces He's Gay

Sun. April 17, 2005 12:00 AM by GayWebMonkey.com

St. Paul, MN - Less than a week after being the only Republican to join all of the Senate’s Democrats in opposing an effort to force a floor vote on a proposed constitutional ban on same-sex marriage, State Senator Paul Koering has told media outlets that he is gay.

The 40-year-old first-term senator from Fort Ripley told the Brainerd Dispatch that in recent weeks he's faced increasing questions about his sexuality.

The businessman and former dairy farmer said he has always felt his personal life is personal and doesn't feel like he's ever lied to or deceived anyone, but following unrest among Republican senators and voters regarding his stand last week, he said he felt compelled to come forward.

Koering said he still believes voters ultimately should be able to decide whether the state constitution should prohibit gay marriage. He said he disagreed with the way proponents tried to bypass the Senate's committee process.

Crow Wing County Republican Party chair Brian Lehman told the Dispatch many residents in his county are "very unhappy" that G-O-P Senator Paul Koering voted against sending the gay marriage ban to a floor vote.

Lehman said if Koering's personal preference for the homosexual lifestyle sways his vote against the Republican Party platform, he would take issue with that.

Written By Ross von Metzke

Article provided in partnership with GayWebMonkey.com.