'Fire George' Gay Protest Hits NYC Streets

Tue. August 31, 2004 12:00 AM by 365gay.com

New York City - Wherever you go in Midtown or Lower Manhattan its impossible to miss the message: "George W. Bush, You're Fired".

Four billboard trucks bearing the signs are crawling their way in 8 hour shifts through NYC streets with special emphasis on Broadway and 8th Avenue where delegates to the Republican National Convention are scurrying between their hotels and Madison Square Gardens.

The ads were paid for by the Washington-based Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest gay rights group.

"Equality trumps discrimination," quipped HRC President Cheryl Jacques.

"We're hitting the streets with the message that the chief advocate of the discriminatory Federal Marriage Amendment doesn't belong in public office."

The rolling protest is part of a $10 million ad campaign by the HRC which it hopes will educate voters and turn out supporters of LGBT issues at the polls.

Last year the HRC amended its PAC criteria, pledging only to support candidates who would vote to protect the U.S. Constitution from amendments that would discriminate against GLBT individuals or couples.

The organization said Tuesday it "plans to endorse more than 200 fair-minded leaders for president, U.S. Senate and House, and plans to spend over $1.3 million in Political Action Committee funds.

HRC is the largest contributor of PAC funds in the LGBT community, and is also the largest funder of GOP campaigns among GLBT PACs.

HRC also said it will run an independent expenditure campaign to educate the gay community about what is at stake in this election.

"We have drawn a line in the sand when it comes to putting discrimination in the Constitution," said Jacques.

©365Gay.com 2004

This article originally appeared on 365gay.com. Republished with permission.