Donations to anti-gay candidate Bob Vander Plaats behind Blue Bunny boycott

Sun. July 24, 2011 6:15 AM by

Iowa City, IA - Donations to the campaigns of anti-gay marriage candidate Bob Vander Plaats have prompted a boycott by gay rights group Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG), the Iowa Independent reported.

Mike Wells, owner of Wells Dairy, and other Wells family members have donated a $430,000 to Vander Plaats' three failed bids to become governor of Iowa.

After failing to secure the 2010 GOP gubernatorial nomination, Vander Plaats turned his attention to ousting three of the seven Iowa Supreme Court justices whose 2009 ruling legalized gay marriage in the state. Wells donated another $25,5000 to Vander Plaats' Iowans for Freedom campaign.

Vander Plaats now heads The Family Leader, which drew nationwide attention earlier this month when it asked 2012 presidential candidates to sign an anti-gay marriage pledge. Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann and former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum were the only candidates who agreed. The group also spearheaded an effort to ban gay marriage in Iowa with a constitutional amendment.

PFLAG is leading a boycott against Blue Bunny Ice Cream, which is owned by Wells Enterprises.

In a statement released Thursday, Blue Bunny denied it has donated money to Vander Plaats' campaigns.
"Blue Buny and Wells Enterprises have never donated money to Bob Vander Plaat's [sic] political campaign. Everyone, including our employees, has a right to support political activities within their role as a private citizen. What our employees support personally is no way an endorsement by our brand or our company."

Dean Genth, the openly gay president of the Iowa Coalition of PFLAG Chapters, said Iowans are becoming increasing weary of social issues.

"People are becoming more compassionate about calling people out and about this hate speech, and to people who want to take away people's marriage equality rights," he said. "People want to jump on whatever organization they can to prevent Iowa from becoming a state that embeds discrimination in its constitution."

Article provided in partnership with On Top Magazine