Google selling Android gay pride t-shirt

Thu. June 30, 2011 5:35 AM by

Mountain View, CA - Search giant Google is quietly supporting the gay community with the sale of an Android Gay Pride t-shirt.

The t-shirt features two green Androids holding hands and waving a rainbow flag, a symbol of the gay community, on a black background.

"Stand out and proud in this Android Pride T-Shirt," the t-shirt's description says.

The t-shirt is another example of how the Mountain View, California-based company is supporting the gay community.

In support of Gay Pride, celebrated in the month of June, Google added a rainbow icon to its otherwise spartan search box. But the rainbow only appears when users search for gay-related topics, prompting some to say Google remains in the closet.

"During the month of June, Google is celebrating lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Pride," the company said in a statement. "For some Pride-related search queries, we are showing a rainbow at the end of the search bar."

The company's decision to highlight the It Gets Better Project in a nationally televised commercial released last month for its Chrome browser has been condemned by groups opposed to gay rights. Gay rights activist Dan Savage's campaign reaches out to troubled gay teens who might be considering suicide or feel isolated.

Article provided in partnership with On Top Magazine