American Airlines, Progressive, Levis Strauss win gay ad awards

Thu. September 30, 2010 4:03 PM by

Bethenny Frankel, Chely Wright and Andy Cohen were among the celebrities attending the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation's (GLAAD) second annual Media Awards in Advertising on Wednesday in New York City.

Mad Men star Bryan Batt, who is openly gay, hosted the event, which recognizes and honors individuals and projects in the advertising and marketing industries for their fair, accurate and inclusive representations of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.

Country music singer Chely Wright, who recently came out lesbian, presented American Airlines with the group's Corporate Responsibility Award for its longstanding commitment to the gay community.

A television commercial that touted gay history programming on all-gay cabler Logo by apparel maker Levi Strauss won the Outstanding TV Campaign award, while Cleveland-based insurer Progressive Insurance won Outstanding Print Campaign for its Works in Progress campaign that melded gay-related masterpieces with pro-gay slogans.

"Tonight's honorees, nominees and award recipients have set new industry standards which underline the value of gay and lesbian consumers," Jarrett Barrios, president of GLAAD, said in a statement.

"More and more companies are moving towards ads that truly reflect all people and learning that LGBT people should be accepted and respected, not only for their potential buying power, but for their contribution to the American cultural fabric."
Wells Fargo, Johnson & Johnson (K-Y Couples) and SAGE also won awards.

Article provided in partnership with On Top Magazine