Daley Eventually Expects Gay Marriage to Be Allowed in Chicago

Sun. February 15, 2004 12:00 AM

Chicago Mayor Makes Statement During CABN Rally

Chicago, IL - Thousands of people across the Nation rallied Saturday against a proposed constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. In Chicago, 200 activists joined the Chicago Anti-Bashing Network outside Cardinal Francis George's residence.

Cardinal Francis George later released statement concerning gay marriage: “The Catholic Church opposes anyone who would attack, punish, or demean anyone because of his or her homosexual orientation. However, it is a very great leap to move from respect for and acceptance of homosexual individuals to a demand that sexual relations of the same sex be treated as the equivalent of marriage, morally and legally.

Nevertheless, Mayor Richard M. Daley said he expected gay marriages to eventually be allowed in Chicago.

When asked by a local radio station whether there should be gay marriages in Chicago, Daley said, "The county clerk should be able to marry these people. I think it will be allowed."

Full Story from 365gay.com

Chicago Sun-Times:Gay-rights activists protest at cardinal's home
WBBM Radio:Gay Demonstrators Gather Outside Cardinal's Residence


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