Malawi gay couple separate after release for jail
Tue. June 8, 2010 12:00 AM by News Staff
Steven Monjeza leaves Tiwonge Chimbalanga for a woman after ridicule and threats
The Malawian gay couple, who were at the center of international outrage following a harsh 14-year prison sentence for being gay, have separated.
In December, 26-year-old Steven Monjeza and 20-year-old Tiwonge Chimbalanga bravely declared their love at Malawi's first-ever publicly acknowledged gay engagement party, two days later they were thrown in jail. The couple were convicted of acts of gross indecency and were sentenced to 14 years of hard labor.
Last month, the two men were pardoned on humanitarian grounds after a meeting with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who urged the country to amend "outdated" laws on homosexuality.
Now Monjeza says he is sick of the ridicule and seeks a "normal" life.
"I have had enough," he told the Guardian. "I want to live a normal life ... not a life where I would be watched by everyone, booed and teased."
Following homophobic threats and pressure from his relatives, Monjeza has begun a relationship with a 24-year-old woman.
Monjeza says he learned his lesson from the prison experience. "I don't want to do anything with homosexuality."
Homosexuality in Africa is illegal in most of the continent's 53 countries. A Ugandan lawmaker recently proposed a bill including the death penalty for some acts.
Chimbalanga says he will "remain gay."
"It is a tragedy that homophobic threats and abuse have forced this couple apart," Peter Tatchell of Outrage! told the Guardian. "They have helped continue the unfinished African liberation struggle by seeking freedom for gay, bisexual and transgender Africans."
In December, 26-year-old Steven Monjeza and 20-year-old Tiwonge Chimbalanga bravely declared their love at Malawi's first-ever publicly acknowledged gay engagement party, two days later they were thrown in jail. The couple were convicted of acts of gross indecency and were sentenced to 14 years of hard labor.
Last month, the two men were pardoned on humanitarian grounds after a meeting with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who urged the country to amend "outdated" laws on homosexuality.
Now Monjeza says he is sick of the ridicule and seeks a "normal" life.
"I have had enough," he told the Guardian. "I want to live a normal life ... not a life where I would be watched by everyone, booed and teased."
Following homophobic threats and pressure from his relatives, Monjeza has begun a relationship with a 24-year-old woman.
Monjeza says he learned his lesson from the prison experience. "I don't want to do anything with homosexuality."
Homosexuality in Africa is illegal in most of the continent's 53 countries. A Ugandan lawmaker recently proposed a bill including the death penalty for some acts.
Chimbalanga says he will "remain gay."
"It is a tragedy that homophobic threats and abuse have forced this couple apart," Peter Tatchell of Outrage! told the Guardian. "They have helped continue the unfinished African liberation struggle by seeking freedom for gay, bisexual and transgender Africans."