Bring your paczki and get ready to party. It's Fat Tuesday, a day of celebration and indulgence before Ash Wednesday and Lent – and Circuit Mom Mardi Gras Takeover at
Sidetrack kicks off at 9 p.m.
The Mardi Gras fiesta in the heart of Boystown is a Mystical circuit dance party.
DJs Karsten Sollors and
Matthew Harvat will spin, with multiple laser light-filled dance floors, performances by Circuit Mom, a face and body painting station, and of course sexy go-go dancers.
"I'm just back from a five-week tour around India, playing many venues across that beautiful country, (but am really) excited to be back playing in Chicago," Sollors said. "I've been looking forward to playing Mardi Gras at Sidetrack since I found out about it last month; it's such a great concept in a legendary venue.
"It's an honor to be asked to play, (to) bring what I do with music to such a wonderful environment.
Matthew Harvat creates the most exceptional experiences; he is a true master. Working with him is always a pleasure. Last year when we did a similar event for IML and it was such a success."
Sollors added that the Sidetrack is "transforming the space to something unlike anything Boystown has ever seen," with "lots of surprises (planned).
"I'm very excited to be a part of the magic tonight."
Calendar: Circuit Mom Mardi Gras Takeover at Sidetrack - Tue, March 5