

I'm Dani, I'm 20. It's hard for me to seem genuine on here, since so many people write the same things over and over again, but I swear this is all really true. I wear my heart on my sleeve, and though it's gotten me hurt before, I'm still prepared to give my all in a potentially serious relationship. I don't want to move fast; I like taking things slow enough to get to know my partner, but also acknowledge the feelings present. I'm a very cuddly person, very affectionate. I'm confident, and don't hide who I am or who I'm with. I'm very proud of my sexuality. I'm a bit of a nerd, a bookworm and gamer. I also love studying new subjects, especially art.

I'd like for my partner to essentially match me? Someone who is also confident, who is also cuddly, who is versatile enough to try new things with me. Someone outgoing, kind, funny, true to themselves, affectionate...the list could go on, but I want to keep an open mind.

Just for an idea of what I'm into:

Music: Dresden Dolls, Augustana, Crystal Castles, Dir en Grey, My Chemical Romance, The Dykeenies, Pipettes, Katy Perry, MANY MORE OH MY GOD.

Movies: Babel, Hellboy, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Stranger than Fiction, and again, so many more. I like alot of foreign films, indie classics, whatever. I'm not much for comedies or family films, but there are some I like. I'm more of a drama/action fiend.

Books: WRAETHTHU by Storm Constantine, Battle Royale by Koushun Takami, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, etc.

My nickname is Dani, I'm 20 years old, and a pure pisces. I'm extremely cuddly and affectionate, as well as artistic and honest. I demand loyalty, honesty and trust in a relationship, because that's everything that I plan to give to my partner. I'm a total geek; I love comics, video games, and foreign films. I love music and books, even magazines.

Likes: affection, spontaneity, extroverts

Turn-offs: narrow-mindedness, ego, too much make up
