

Alright, you are here, so here is something about me...

Well I am just simple girl with big dreams. I am crazy, but not the kind that goes out there one day and colors her hair pink lol

I like to stay active and like to go around places.

I am a last minute planner. Life is too short to be planned so I try to go with the flow.

What else..hmm well just ask me ya? Cool!

me...I am happy go lucky can read more about me on that left side. I just wrote a bunch of stuff there! :D Also, I am not here to look for man-- so please don't add me with that intention lol

Likes: I like confident woman. But there is physical and personality turn ons. Personality: Honest, caring, and a risk taker. Physical: I like feminine woman that are active and fit! But personality is more important to me!

Turn-offs: Over confidences, ignorance and rudeness!



I am not into watching sports, but I have started playing badminton and if I get a chance in future, I will start playing other sports. I don't like to read; I am a visual person. I like to go on youtube and learn anything I find interesting. For example, I started learning guitar from youtube and then also learned one of hip hop I said anything I find interesting, I try to learn it.

Hmm, I can't possibly write everything that interests me. It will be too much to write lol...but hey you can ask me! :D

Favorite movies

I like any movie that shows women power (mostly action movies lol), but I am also a big fan of romantic comedy or just plain comedy movies. I avoid depressing, tragic and sad movies...don't like those. I definitely like to laugh a lot rather than cry during a movie

I like all of Resident Evil movies, Salt, Bee Movie, Iron man, Super bad, and I am foreign so I do watch international movies...a lot of people think I am Mexican, but I am not...let's see if you can guess? lol

Favorite music

I like all kinds...depends on the mood. Also, depends on which day it is...Friday music is definitely more party songs and rest of the days I listen to anything on the radio...oh and I do like a lot mexican music (Aventura, royce etc) because a lot of my friends are mexicans and again I enjoy my international music as well!

Favorite food

ahhh I feel strong love towards food...You can see a huge smile on my face when I see a burrito in front of me or anything that I love eating. Chocolate is also on my list of fooooooods! But I do keep a balance so I don't gain extra pounds!

Favorite TV shows

Friends, King of Queens, How I Met Your Mother, According to Jim, My Wife and Kids, Family Guy, and Dance reality shows.

Connections (9)