The daily serial fictional based on Chicago's Boystown neighborhood: Boystown series by Danny Bernardo

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8. Sneaking Around

"Anything I can do to help, Steve," David said. Josh looked at him expectantly. "Come by my office tomorrow and we'll work it out. I should get going." "Working lunch?" Josh asked as David hung up. "Sorry, you probably have to get back to school." "It's my prep period. I'm good for another

8. Sneaking Around
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"Anything I can do to help, Steve," David said. Josh looked at him expectantly. "Come by my office tomorrow and we'll work it out. I should get going."

"Working lunch?" Josh asked as David hung up.

"Sorry, you probably have to get back to school."

"It's my prep period. I'm good for another hour at least."

"Good," David said as Josh slid his arms around him. "That's... good."

"So when you said that the last time would be the last time... "

"I meant it," David said, trying not to meet his gaze.

"So what are we doing here?"

"I know about you. And David."


"And I can't do this anymore. The sneaking around... the lying... "

"I get it," Josh said, stepping away from him.

"So we were wondering... would you like to move in with us?"


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