The daily serial fictional based on Chicago's Boystown neighborhood: Boystown series by Danny Bernardo

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21. Start No Drama

It'd been so long since LaTrice had hit the Halsted strip after dark. Bougie white gays threw her shade as they passed, but she paid them no mind. She wasn't the girl that was trolling for marks just months before; she had a purpose now. "Girl, slow down!" Travell said, jogging up behind her.

21. Start No Drama
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It'd been so long since LaTrice had hit the Halsted strip after dark. Bougie white gays threw her shade as they passed, but she paid them no mind. She wasn't the girl that was trolling for marks just months before; she had a purpose now.

"Girl, slow down!" Travell said, jogging up behind her.

"Well then keep up, boo," LaTrice said. "We're not just hanging out. Tyler and Edward are taking a big chance with us."

"That new hair look real cute on you," Travell said as they turned left on Aldine. "Much cuter than the braids."

LaTrice smirked and looked at him sideways. "We're working, Travell."

"I know, but... "

"Look, maybe it's best if we split up... "

"Hold up." Travell said, stopping her in place gently by the shoulders. "I just wanna know, why am I so bad? Why won't you give me the time of day?"

"You ain't bad... "

"Then why don't we kick it? Why can't we at least try?"

"Because you know me, boo. You know all my bullshit, all my mistakes, and... "

"And I'm still standing by you. Even when you blow me off. Things are about to get real good for us, LaLa. We both got jobs now, people be treating us like we somebody at Haven. Pretty soon, we can start our lives fresh. And I want to do that with you."

LaTrice's heart melted as Travell looked at her with such earnestness and love. Maybe all the months of putting him off was just her own bullshit drama, keeping everybody away. Fuck it, she thought, took a chance and kissed him. He breathed in deep as their lips met, closing his eyes, filled with joy. She opened her eyes and looked into his.

"That wasn't so bad," she smiled. But his eyes widened as he looked behind her. "Oh so it's like that? You already lookin for something better?"

"No. LaLa, there go Jazmine."

"Fuck that bitch. I ain't looking to start no drama... "

"No, La. She's pulling a knife on some kid." They both ran over as quick as they could. Jazmine had a knife at the poor kid's throat. LaTrice pulled her off him by her cheap ass weave and she dropped the knife. Travell sidled up on the other side, but Jazmine pushed him away and ran down the alley.

"Go after her!" LaTrice told Travell. "Call the cops!" As Travell ran after her, LaTrice helped the poor kid up. "I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm here to help." The kid fell sobbing into her arms.

"Sorry," he wept. "It's just... you're the first person to talk to me in days."

"That's arite, boo. Here, let's call your parents. Let's get you home."

"I can't! I ran away, they won't accept the fact that I'm gay."

"So you been living on the streets?"


"That's okay, boo. I been where you been. But I'm picking up my life and you can too."

The kid wiped his eyes. "I'm Robbie."

"LaTrice," she said, giving him her warmest smile. "Look, there's a place. Like a home? For people like us. How about we go there and see if there isn't a bed available, maybe some leftovers from dinner."

Robbie smiled, hopefully. "That'd be great. What about your friend?"

"He can take care of himself." She put her arm around this poor kid as she walked him out the alley, feeling triumphant that her first night on patrol had helped someone as she'd intended. It wasn't until she looked back briefly for any sign of Travell that she realized that they'd been in the alley where she first met Tyler.

Just joining us? Catch up here:

Volume 1 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 2 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 3 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 4 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 5 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five


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