The daily serial fictional based on Chicago's Boystown neighborhood: Boystown series by Danny Bernardo

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13. The Date

"So what does it mean?" Edward asked, turning away from the livestream of the Illinois House Committee Debate. "It means the bill passed and it's up for a vote in the House of Representatives now," Steve said, snuggling with Edward in bed "One step closer," Edward said, taking Steven's hand in

13. The Date
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"So what does it mean?" Edward asked, turning away from the livestream of the Illinois House Committee Debate.

"It means the bill passed and it's up for a vote in the House of Representatives now," Steve said, snuggling with Edward in bed

"One step closer," Edward said, taking Steven's hand in his, admiring the engagement ring he'd carefully picked out for his man.

"Pressure's on now. If it passes... "


"... when it passes, we're going ot have to go through with it."

"Cold feet?"

Steve smiled at Edward and kissed him tenderly. "Not at all. How could I possibly, what with all the registering we're about to do? And the showers and bachelor parties."

"Rein that in a minute, mister. That's not what it's all about."

All the color drained from Steve's face. "You're right. There's all the planning! There's the invitations and the reception and the catering. Oh God, we've got so much to do."

"Babe, we don't even have a date set yet."

"But it'll here before you know it! And we'll have to get a venue, a church, god, what's the license process going to be like?"

Edward stroked Steve's hair. "If things go right, the same as the process of straight people."

"And then... "

Edward kissed Steve's head. "Steven, all that... none of that matters. Hell, we could get married by a justice of the peace and I'd be ok. I just want to be with you."

Steve kissed Edward back. "Me too. But, I mean, maybe a little party... "

Edward chuckled. "Let's set the date at least."

Steve closed his laptop, turned off the light, and spooned with Edward. "How about... the day the bill passes?"

Edward smiled in the dark. "Deal."

Just joining us? Catch up here:

Volume 1 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 2 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 3 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 4 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 5 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five


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