Alex stared at Robbie's battered and bruised body as the
angsty rock showtunes shuffled on.
"Who did this to you?" he asked Robbie.
"I don't want to... "
"Is this because of the picture?"
"I don't know how but somehow... it got emailed to my dad. He freaked out. ‘He can't have a queer son,' he said. And then... " Robbie collapsed on his bed, sobbing even harder. Alex sat down next to him and held him tight.
"We've got to get you out of here. If your dad's hurting you... "
"I can't just leave. Where would I go?"
"You can stay with me, I guess," Alex said, holding him tighter. "Whatever. We can't let your dad hurt you anymore. And then you can set things right with Mr. Pa... "
Robbie's mom burst in the room and Robbie pushed Alex away as quickly as possible.
"Get out," she said, her voice icy cold.
Alex ran out of Robbie's so fast, it wasn't until he was at the train station that he realized he'd dropped the picture of Robbie and Mr. Parker kissing in Robbie's room. He had to help the poor kid. As much as he hated it, the only person that could possibly help was Mr. Parker. He got on the northbound red line towards Boystown.
Just joining us? Catch up here:
Volume 1 -
One, Week
Two, Week
Three, Week
Four, Week
Volume 2 -
One, Week
Two, Week
Three, Week
Four, Week
Volume 3 -
One, Week
Two, Week
Three, Week
Four, Week
Volume 4 -
One, Week
Two, Week
Three, Week
Four, Week
Volume 5 -
One, Week
Two, Week
Three, Week
Four, Week