The daily serial fictional based on Chicago's Boystown neighborhood: Boystown series by Danny Bernardo

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19. His Loss

Tyler ran out of the apartment so quickly after dropping his work stuff off, he didn't notice Alex lurking in the foyer of the building. "Have you been avoiding me?" Alex asked abruptly and pointedly. "Whoa!" Tyler was completely taken aback. "Alex, what are you doing here?" "I'll repeat th

19. His Loss
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Tyler ran out of the apartment so quickly after dropping his work stuff off, he didn't notice Alex lurking in the foyer of the building.

"Have you been avoiding me?" Alex asked abruptly and pointedly.

"Whoa!" Tyler was completely taken aback. "Alex, what are you doing here?"

"I'll repeat the question: have. You. Been. Avoiding me?"

"I haven't... it's just... I gotta go," Tyler said as he rushed out the door. "I have a friend in the hospital."

"Well that's convenient," Alex said, chasing after him. "If this is about the high school thing... "

"It is weird, yeah," Tyler said, noticing for the first time that Alex was still in his prep school uniform. "You should've told me."

"I know. But think of it from my side. It SUCKS being a gay teen. All the guys my age, they don't care about anything real. It's all Hollister and Lana del Ray and ‘Real Housewives' and... "

"Hate to break it to ya, but it doesn't get any better outside of high school."

"But you... you were different. You don't care about any of that stuff. You're a complete sweetheart, you're... "

"Running late to meet my friend in the hospital. She was stabbed and has finally been cleared for visitors. I gotta... "

"This is important! This is you and me!"

"I'm sorry. We can talk about this later, but LaTrice... she needs me."

Alex grabbed his hand, stopping him dead in his tracks. "Tyler Drake, if you don't stop and talk this out with me now, it's over. Finished. I can't take this cat and mouse game of trying to get a hold of you. I'm a fucking catch, no matter how old I am. If you don't see that... "

Tyler pulled his hand away. He kissed Alex lightly on the mouth and looked at him sadly. "I have to go," he said and rushed off towards the hospital.

"Fine! Your loss, buddy!" Alex called after him, fighting back the tears. He took a breath and regained himself. Seriously, he told himself, his loss.

"Some people don't know how lucky they are," said a voice behind him. "To have the attentions of such a handsome young man."

"Thank you," sniffed Alex.

"You're right: his loss. But someone else's gain, I'm sure. Can I take you to dinner? Cheer you up?"

Alex smiled and turned to the handsome, older gentleman standing behind him. "That'd be nice," he said, offering his hand. "I'm Alex."

"Hi Alex," he said, taking his hand. "I'm Bruce."


Glad to be back for Volume 4! Just joining us? Catch up now:

Volume 1 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 2 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 3 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five


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