The daily serial fictional based on Chicago's Boystown neighborhood: Boystown series by Danny Bernardo

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3. Other

When Other David woke up, his better halves were cuddled up all the way on the other side of the bed, hogging all the covers. He turned over and held Josh who held David; neither of them stirred. He lay awake watching them so sound asleep and peaceful. And unaware that he was even there. He tried to

3. Other
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When Other David woke up, his better halves were cuddled up all the way on the other side of the bed, hogging all the covers. He turned over and held Josh who held David; neither of them stirred. He lay awake watching them so sound asleep and peaceful. And unaware that he was even there. He tried to go back to sleep, but sound of their breath in synch with each other was deafening. He got up and started to make breakfast.


"Can you pass me Arts and Entertainment?" Other David asked, peering from his Sun-Times.

"I'm almost done," said Josh, sipping his orange juice. 

"You read that fast," Other David said to David. They usually traded sections at the halfway point.

"Oh, I just gave that to Josh right off. He likes to start with it."

"Does he?" Other David said, closing his paper. "Never mind. I'll just pick it up on the way to the office. I gotta get into the office."

"See you when you get home" David said, kissing him. Other David stole a kiss from Josh, who was too engrossed in the stolen section to notice.

"Are you tutoring at Haven all afternoon?" Other David heard David ask Josh as he was leaving.

"Just the later part. Why?" Josh replied.

"I have a client meeting that way later this morning. Want to do lunch?"

"Sure," Josh said, as Other David walked out the door. Other David hated that he was hit with this pang of jealousy. But what he hated more was that he was unsure of who he was jealous of. 


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