I've been on a highly strategized national campaign that would even make David Ploffe raise an eyebrow. Okay, well perhaps that was a bit of an exaggeration, but I have been campaigning for votes for One Man Chicago! I sat on top of the world to watch airplanes kiss the sky. Well, not really on top of the world, but I did do brunch at my friend's place in the John Hancock for the annual air and water show. I even duked it out with the C.I.A. at the bomb shelter. Well if by C.I.A, you mean the Chicago Industry Alliance over at the Underground, I did help celebrate my friend Benjamin Newby making partner over at the Underground. Okay, it's safe to say that my perceptions of my outings are a bit off, haha. Well either way, these past few weeks have had me feeling on top of the world with some of my most favorite people and their events.