Wow, was that Labor Day that just went by? Wasn't it just Memorial Day a few weeks ago? Lots of great things going on this weekend, head on up to Hollywood Beach for an end-of season cleanup on Saturday morning or head on out to one of the many street festivals.
The 6th Annual Chicago Reel Film Shorts Fest kicks off tonight and runs through Sunday at Film Row Cinema at Columbia College. Catch the Festival Preview tonight at 8PM and pick your favorites, preview tix are $5, regular screening tix are $7. Check the site for a full list of features and screening time.
The 16th Annual Chicago Underground Film Festival opens at the Gene Siskel Film Center and runs through September 17, check the site for a full listing of films and screening time.
Catch a preview of Harry Chapin's Cotton Patch Gospel at the Provisioin Theater kicks off it's 09/10 Season.Tickets to the preview are $20 and can be purchased online. The show runs F/S/S through November 8th
T/F/S/S - Redmoon Theater - Spectacle 09 @ Belmont Harbor
F/S/S - German American Fest
F/S/S - Harvest Festival
F/S/S - Old Town "Crush, Music & Comedy Fest"
F/S/S - Little Village Festival
SAT - Festival on Prairie Avenue
SAT - Hollywood Beach Clean Up
S/S Renegade Craft Fair
S/S - Lincoln Park Art Faire
S/S - Ukranian Village Fest
S/S - Senior Cup Softball Tournament
S/M/T - Lebowski Fest - Speed of Sound
Taking a page from the Guerilla Gay Bar South Loop that has taken off this summer, the girls are getting in on the action and hosting Guerilla Girl Bar. Sapphic Adventures is planning on "taking over" Pops for Champagne at 601 N State Street from 6-10PM. Check the site for full details.
Congress of Starlings (9:30); The Dylan Rice Band (10:30) and Bobby Conn and Monica Boubou (11:30) will take over the stage at Jackhammer for this months edition of The Flesh Hungry Dog Show. Tickets are $10 at the door/$8 online.
Jason and deMarco, stars of the Showtime documentary, "We're All Angels" will perform at Connect: An LGBT Spirtual Experience tonight from 7-10PM. Jason and deMarco, a gay couple, are hottie pop stars who happen to sing Christian rock.