Infatuation vs. Crush. Encarta Dictionary says it like this "Infatuation is a great, often temporary, and irrational passion for somebody." I think that everyone can relate to this! This can be caused sometimes by a glance, a good-night kiss, or even a hookup. It tends to drive one a bit crazy. The crush however is a simple, non-threatening way to like something about someone. The other day, I was talking with a pal of mine and he told me that that had a crush on someone, so I called him to task about it. In the end we both realized that he was more infatuated about this guy than a simple crush. Infatuation tends to make you do things you wouldn't do or compromise in certain areas of your life. A crush is more of a cute gesture that most of the time goes unnoticed by its object of affection. I have a few crushes at the moment. Some of them know about it, some don't. I have one Crush, Dylan (Pictured above) who's been a crush since the day that I met him. Both he and his longtime boyfriend know. Sure he's hot, but I'm glad to call him my friend. It's simple really I turn into a little kid whenever he is around. I smile; I laugh, and usually talk too much. My crushes are a nice moment where I forget about my worries and appreciate the beauty, charm, comedy or confidence about someone. My best friends know who my crushes are and are always willing to point them out to me when they come into the room. It is this innocence that I challenge you to look for in your life. I think that a simple crush is something that can be a platform to a healthy relationship or a positive connection.