Mavrik's World

Thu. June 10, 2004 12:00 AM
by Peter Mavrik

Music legend Ray Charles has passed away. His music was a beautiful amalgam of every genre of music, blended with the soul of a man who faced the world with positivity and love each and every day. He will truly be missed.

Britney is broken. At least she was until they fixed her knee up. While filming the video for "Outrageous" her knee gave way on set. Rushing her to the hospital, they decided surgery was needed to correct some floating cartilage in her knee. Although I don't care for her singing very much, her dancing is top notch. Let's all wish her a speedy recovery. And look for "Outrageous" to be featured in the movie "Catwoman"

I hear that the Cell Block is opening again.

Spin had it's wonderful 9th anniversary party last night. Decked out in clouds and cloud balloons, the "Cloud 9" theme was lost on some folks. But really, with an open bar for two hours BEFORE dollar drink night, did anyone really care? Absolutely not! There was nothing but smiles, tasty food, and good times. Happy 9th Spin!

Now it's time to talk about Pride. Let me step up on my soapbox. I expect all of you to sit quietly with folded hands and listen closely.

I am proud of who I am each and every day of every year I have lived in this world. I am proud of what I have accomplished in my life. I am proud of the people I know, the places I work, and of all the things I have to offer the world. And to be honest, I don't need a special day, a "Pride Weekend", or a "Pride Month" to be proud. I always take pride in everything I do. You should too.

We all tend to associate Pride with parties, floats, crazy good times, and indulging in whatever it is that makes us feel good. But this year, at the parade, in a bar, on a float, or just hanging out wherever, remember who you are and where you came from. You are more than just a weekend, more than just a label, and more than just gay.

You ARE a special person. You live in a beautifully special world and you have the incredibly precious gift of life. That's what it's all about. Celebrate yourself.

Proudly with you in 4/4,
Peter Mavrik