The Steadfast Tin Soldier stands tall above the holiday competition

Fri. November 18, 2022 12:00 AM
by Jerry Nunn

Lookingglass Theatre Company's The Steadfast Tin Soldier outruns many of the local Chicago holiday productions in terms of delivery and spectacle. The story is based on Hans Christian Andersen's tale and is about an energetic tin soldier who perseveres when times grow tough. has several adventures in the process during his many challenges.

This fairy tale was published back in 1838 in a collection of stories in Denmark. It is truly fitting that a story that was originally in Danish needs no language to be carried out thanks to Lookingglass' talented team.


Much of the original material is still intact and works well for modern audiences. It is the delivery that is mesmerizing with this endeavor and it will be the best 60 minutes audiences may spend this special season. Storytellers can learn a lot by witnessing this production. It doesn't take a Marvel Cinematic Universe length of time to get the message out and this is the perfect play to just take a break from the hustle and bustle of Michigan Avenue in Downtown Chicago.

Having no dialogue with only a few written messages in English throughout the piece makes The Steadfast Tin Soldier inclusive to all nationalities and age groups including the hearing-impaired ticketholders. There's even a sensory-friendly show scheduled for January 5 at 1:30 p.m and special mask-required viewings on select dates.

It is simply brilliantly done thanks to director Mary Zimmerman and an outstanding cast. Adeoye as the title character is perfectly cast and brings a rich history of past Lookingglass Theatre credits to the table. That holiday table is set by a Nursemaid played in drag by Christopher Donahue with a stoic gaze that makes the show worth the ticket price alone. Kasey Foster plays a few roles including Ballerina with grace and talent. Look for intricate costuming worn by John Gregorio as Rat and mesmerizing Goblin antics from Anthony Irons.

The musicians were involved and interact with the stage performers in brilliant ways that will keep viewers guessing what might happen next.

The Steadfast Tin Soldier is a gift that will keep on giving and will captivate all kinds of audiences as the story unwraps and unfolds itself. The Steadfast Tin Soldier hops along until January 8, 2022.

Visit for information and to purchase tickets while they last!