Green Tie Ball Gets It Right

Sat. September 22, 2018 12:00 AM
by Jerry Nunn

Benefitting Gateway Green, the Green Tie Ball once again became the toast of Chicago on Sept. 14. This time out the organization tried out a new location at The Geraghty at 2520 S Hoyne Avenue. While it was a bit out of the way, there was plenty of parking and valet for guests.

Food was once again a strong point for the event with 30 of Chicago's best restaurants represented. STK was especially good and recently hosted a tasting there that was delicious.

An open bar kept ticket buyers thirsts quenched and a charitable gaming opportunity from River's Casino had guests gambling on prizes.

Backstage LMFAO's Redfoo talked about his plans for handing out glasses to everyone in the audience later. Keeping in theme with the environmental event, the singer said he recycles and tries to use minimal plastic. He even uses wooden utensils and carries them around in his fanny pack!

The theme of the night was Green Eggs & Glam and made sense with a cast of characters from Dr. Suess. The fashion and fun continued until the late night with Redfoo pumping up the crowd with a lively late night performance.

Donors danced onstage and partied until the lights came up thanks to a well choreographed night of fundraising.

Chicago Gateway Green beautifies the expressways and neighborhoods. Visit and donate today!