A Bewildering Arrangement of Theater

Thu. October 5, 2017 12:00 AM
by Jerry Nunn

October has some great theater currently running with special interest for the LGBT community. Different time periods highlight how our world has changed and still has room to grow.

Starting off in the '50s with Perfect Arrangement by Topher Payne running through Oct. 22 at Pride Arts Center at 4147 N. Broadway. This shows two couples trying to make their way in a world where being yourself is not permitted. The couples are gay and lesbian so let's just switch partners for appearances. Seems like a brilliant idea until things go off the rails.

The cast is excellent. Riley Mondragon resembles a friend of mine so much that I had to check my program and Kelli Harrington almost steals the show as Barbara Grant. Will many of us have to go back into hiding with the current state of the world? Only time will tell.

Visit to support a space that continues to grow in importance with each show.

Hell in a Handbag Productions twitches its nose in a new Halloween show that is a better fit than last years Skooby Don't. Playing off the beloved '50s and '60s sitcom Bewitched with a fresh perspective makes this a unique show. Ron Weaver had an ax to grind with the Gladys Kravitz character not getting her due. Caitlin Jackson takes the role and runs with it. There are some other nice standouts with Elizabeth Morgan hitting the right tone for Samantha Stephens. The dueling husbands are fittingling played and Ed Jones as Uncle Arthur turns up the heat with a flaming favorite characature. I wish Paul Lynde were alive today to see it.

Visit for tickets at Stage 773 through Nov. 11.

After interviewing writer of Choir Boy, Tarell Alvin McCraney, for Moonlight I expected big things on the small stage. This show was first produced in New York and has made its way to the Chicago stage at Raven Theatre Chicago on 6157 N Clark Street.

There is an important story to be found about the choir experience and how gay people are treated. Unfortunately Pharus Jonathan Young is not very likeable and the songs don't really soar.

This tale could use some fine tuning, and the cast has the chops to do it with some adjustments. Visit for tickets and see how it evolves.