Ah, Tough Mudder. I know many people who have done it and loved every minute of it. Others hated it and will never try it again. But one thing is for sure- it's one heck of a workout! For those of you who are not familiar with it, Tough Mudder is an obstacle course that takes place outdoors, largely in a mud environment. Its popularity has been on the rise, probably because of the outdoor element as well as the fun atmosphere that it provides. This is not an event for beginners as many elements of this course require great strength and agility. It even includes an obstacle with live wires that repeatedly zap competitors with 10,000 volts of electricity. At times, this has caused burns and has even landed a few people in the emergency room. Despite the rigorous demands of the course, many people do show up unprepared and quickly get in over their heads. Training for Tough Mudder and for other obstacle courses like it is incredibly important. Allow me to share some insight in this article.