I have a place where dreams are born, and time is never planned. It's not on any chart; You must find it with your heart. Never Never Land". (Never Never Land Lyrics)
That place is definitely Chicago's Cadillac Theater and experiencing the magical production of Cathy Rigby is Peter Pan. During these recent periods of tragedy and very sad times where children are not permitted to be children and are forced to worry about things that no child or parent should ever think about. It is very refreshing to stop time and take two hours to forget about all of these sad events of the world. It is great for kids to be kids, and as an adult to take some time be a child again. I will have to say that experiencing Peter Pan as an adult did that for me.
The story of Peter Pan is about a boy who refuses to grow up and takes you back to much more simpler times. It begins with the Darling family; the mother, father, three children, and a dog going about usual family life. Mother Darling has concerns when she tells the father she sees a strange appearance at the window and finds the shadow of the person who she saw in the window. She then places the shadow in a drawer. Mother wants the beloved family dog to keep watch for the children while she and the father go out to dinner. However, the father believes the dog Nana, should be kept outside. The mother still fearful goes to dinner with her husband and the children are left sleeping in their bedroom. While asleep, Tinker Bell the fairy who is a splash of light leads Peter Pan to the bedroom to retrieve his lost shadow. While there, one of the children, Wendy, wakes up and sees Peter Pan and helps him retrieve his shadow by sewing it on. Peter Pan then tells Wendy of the magic of fairies, and Never Never Land where lost little boys are taken. He explains that girls are too smart to get lost and this place really needs a mother to take care of them. Peter Pan also tells of his ability to fly and wants Wendy to come with him to Never Never Land. Wendy is intrigued but asks if her brothers John and Michael can join them. Peter Pan agrees and sprinkles magic dust on all three children and their journey begins as they fly away. In Never Never Land they are met by the lost boys, Indians, pirates, a crocodile, and many other dangers. However, with Peter Pan, the children are able to overcome all of these challenges and ultimately return home to their family after their adventures.