The daily serial fictional based on Chicago's Boystown neighborhood: Boystown series by Danny Bernardo

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23. In Just One Night - The Hook-Up That...

They lay there, naked in the sheets, covered in sweat and semen and streetlight creeping in from the window. Exhausted with passion and ecstasy. And remorse.

23. In Just One Night - The Hook-Up That...
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They lay there, naked in the sheets, covered in sweat and semen and streetlight creeping in from the window. Exhausted with passion and ecstasy. And remorse.

"So... I figured out why you look so familiar. Where I've seen you before."


"Probably shouldn't say... "

"It's cool."

"Promise you won't say anything?"


"It was at the hospital. For Charlie Parker."

"Oh. You know Charlie?"

"Yeah. I mean there was so much going on. I was barely... I mean... "

"Yeah. That was a crazy time. But it's cool I guess. I won't tell anyone. Hell, I don't even know your name."

"We never got that far, did we?"

"I guess not. I never got yours either."

"Well, my name is... "

"You know what? Let's not. I mean, if that's ok. I've just got someone that... "


"... and I kinda have to be discreet."

"I get it. It's cool."

They lay quietly for a moment.

"Sorry, it's just... "

"No, really. It's cool. How do you know Charlie?"

"Is it cool if we don't get into it?"

"Right. Sure. Sorry."

Another quiet moment.

"Well, I guess I should get going."


"It was fun. Even if it was the only time we'll probably... " He kissed him.

"You know what? Let's make THIS the last time."

And they began to make love again.


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