Circuit owner retracts public statement after attempt to shame landlord
Sun. February 14, 2016 9:09 AM by Andy Ambrosius

'for rent' signs placed on circuit nightclub space
photo credit // anthony meade
This is the second time since 2012 the Boystown nightclub owner has outspokenly vilified his landlord only to retract statements days later.
Chicago, IL -
In what appears to be an exact repeat of Circuit Nightclub's turmoil in 2012, owner Mike Macharello is retracting a very public statement after an attempt to shame his landlord following Circuit's closure earlier this month.
The club's website displays a graphic that reads, "Circuit Nightclub is closed." The public notice further explains that Friedman refused to sign a lease agreement with Macharello.
"If Frank would give me a lease, I could open Circuit right now, "Macharello told last week.
However, now Macharello is changing his tune, releasing a new statement that harks back to the same shaming-and-retractment routine from the club's closure in 2012.
"I would like to retract a statement I made that the landlord Frank Friedman of Sterling Properties 'will not sign a lease with former tenant Mike Macharello, President/CEO Circuit Corp,'" read a statement Macharello provided to "It was erroneous on my part to either state or infer that Frank Friedman and Sterling properties would not rent to me.
"It was further erroneous of me to either state or infer that Frank Friedman or Sterling Properties was the cause of the closing of Circuit Night Club.
"Throughout my 18 year relationship with Circuit Night Club, Frank Friedman of Sterling Properties has always done his utmost to work with Circuit Night Club. I would like to take this opportunity to apologize If I have said or inferred anything which was looked on as detrimental to Frank Friedman and/or Sterling Properties."
When contacted by, Friedman said, "The facts speak for themselves. Twice Mike has made outrageous statements about me. And within a three-year span he has retracted and apologized for all of these statements. You can draw whatever conclusion you want from the facts."
Friedman said he talks to each person who calls about the property.
Circuit Nightclub, located at 3641 N. Halsted St., opened in 1996 under the name Halsted Street Cafe. Over the years it has grown to become one of the area's largest dance clubs, consuming 12,000-square-feet of North Halsted real estate.
As for Boi Magazine, Macharello's other venture, it is apparently still staying in business despite recently losing its editor and sales manager.
"Everything is great on this side," Macherello told "Our first issue of the year is about to hit the streets. It's a great issue, one of the biggest yet."
Boi Magazine has been in circulation since 2000. Macherello took over as publisher in 2001.
The club's website displays a graphic that reads, "Circuit Nightclub is closed." The public notice further explains that Friedman refused to sign a lease agreement with Macharello.
"If Frank would give me a lease, I could open Circuit right now, "Macharello told last week.
However, now Macharello is changing his tune, releasing a new statement that harks back to the same shaming-and-retractment routine from the club's closure in 2012.
"I would like to retract a statement I made that the landlord Frank Friedman of Sterling Properties 'will not sign a lease with former tenant Mike Macharello, President/CEO Circuit Corp,'" read a statement Macharello provided to "It was erroneous on my part to either state or infer that Frank Friedman and Sterling properties would not rent to me.
"It was further erroneous of me to either state or infer that Frank Friedman or Sterling Properties was the cause of the closing of Circuit Night Club.
"Throughout my 18 year relationship with Circuit Night Club, Frank Friedman of Sterling Properties has always done his utmost to work with Circuit Night Club. I would like to take this opportunity to apologize If I have said or inferred anything which was looked on as detrimental to Frank Friedman and/or Sterling Properties."
When contacted by, Friedman said, "The facts speak for themselves. Twice Mike has made outrageous statements about me. And within a three-year span he has retracted and apologized for all of these statements. You can draw whatever conclusion you want from the facts."
Friedman said he talks to each person who calls about the property.
Circuit Nightclub, located at 3641 N. Halsted St., opened in 1996 under the name Halsted Street Cafe. Over the years it has grown to become one of the area's largest dance clubs, consuming 12,000-square-feet of North Halsted real estate.
As for Boi Magazine, Macharello's other venture, it is apparently still staying in business despite recently losing its editor and sales manager.
"Everything is great on this side," Macherello told "Our first issue of the year is about to hit the streets. It's a great issue, one of the biggest yet."
Boi Magazine has been in circulation since 2000. Macherello took over as publisher in 2001.