Vladimir Putin named homophobe of the year

Sat. December 14, 2013 9:09 AM by OnTopMag.com

phobie of the year: vladimir putin

photo credit // advocate.com
Gay glossy The Advocate on Friday named Russian President Vladimir Putin its Phobie of the Year.

"To hold the president of Russia responsible for every anti-gay incident within his country's borders might be unfair," the magazine wrote in announcing its winner. "But it's far less offensive than what's happening to LGBT Russians."

Advocate editors included a total of 14 people or groups on their inaugural list, including Ken Cuccinelli and E.W. Jackson, the GOP's unsuccessful Virginia gubernatorial ticket; Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe; the Pacific Justice Institute, the California conservative group attempting to repeal the state's transgender students law; Frigide Barjot, the French anti-gay marriage activist; New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan; televangelist Pat Robertson; writer Orson Scott Card; AFA's Bryan Fischer; Massachusetts minister Scott Lively; Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert; Justice Antonin Scalia; and Florida Senator Marco Rubio.

More: Advocate.com

Article provided in partnership with On Top Magazine