Obama addresses gay group at its 25th national conference

Sun. January 27, 2013 7:07 AM by OnTopMag.com

Atlanta, GA - President Barack Obama issued a video statement to the 3,000 advocates assembled for the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force's 25th National Conference on LGBT Equality taking place in Atlanta.

The five-day conference, titled Creating Change, is the largest annual gathering of activists, organizers and leaders in the gay rights movement.

"Changes always come from ordinary Americans who sit in or stand up or march to demand it," Obama said in his 90-second video message. "And the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force has been a partner at the forefront of that movement for forty years. Many of you have dedicated your lives to securing for all Americans the sanctuary of words in our founding creed: That all are created equal and all must enjoy the same rights and the same protections.'

"Decades ago in the dark days when most doctors declared being gay a mental disorder, you organized and rallied to change their minds. One thousand suffered in the shadows during the early days of the AIDS epidemic, you cast a bright light on their pain."

"And today you're helping lead the way to a future where everyone is treated with dignity and respect, no matter who they love or where they come from. Where everyone has access to affordable health care. And where everyone who works hard and plays by the rules has the chance to earn their citizenship."

Obama added that he's confident of a better future so long as "all of us keep marching together."

Article provided in partnership with On Top Magazine