Illinois gay marriage debate begins today

Wed. January 2, 2013 11:03 AM by News Staff

illinois state rep. heather steans

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Illinois Senate could vote on gay marriage bill as early as Thursday

Chicago, IL - Illinois lawmakers will begin the debate on marriage equality today when Democratic state Sen. Heather Steans of Chicago brings the Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act up for a hearing in the Senate Executive Committee.

Steans said that if the bill gains approval she plans to call it to vote on Thursday, where it needs at least 30 votes before it can move to the House. Both the House and Senate have until Jan. 9 to pass a bill before the end of the 97th General Assembly and new legislators are sworn in.

"We are doing everything we can to see this passed out of the senate this week," Rick Garcia, of The Civil Rights Agenda, told "Senator Steans and President John Cullerton are deeply commited to marriage equality and are pulling out the stops."

Momentum for marriage equality in Illinois began last month when Steans and Illinois state Rep. Greg Harris (D-Chicago) said that they will push for a vote during the General Assembly's lame-duck session.

In February Harris, along with two other openly gay representatives, Deb Mell (D-Chicago) and Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago), introduced HB 5170, which would give gay and lesbian couples in Illinois the freedom to marry.

Gay rights advocates, including Garcia, are urging constituents to contact their lawmakers in support of marriage equality.

"It is critical, it is imperative, that everyone calls their senator's office today. Senators and house members are receiving calls from opponents. We must call, email, fax our legislators to ask them to do the right thing," said Garcia.

Jesse Tyler Ferguson of ABC's hit comedy "Modern Family" joined Illinois Lt. Gov. Sheila Simon during a Wednesday morning press conference in Chicago to urge supporters across the state today to make their voices heard on Illinois' marriage equality bill.

"Passing a marriage equality bill in Illinois is the right thing to do and we should do it now," said Simon, who was also joined by state Reps. Greg Harris (D-Chicago) and Deb Mell (D-Chicago).

Ferguson and Simon encouraged capitol visitors to don bow ties on Thursday in support of Bow Tie Lobby Day in Springfield, when a marriage equality bill could be called for a vote.

Simon also encouraged Illinoisans to post words of support on their representatives' Facebook and Twitter accounts, using the hash tag #ILequality.

If approved, Illinois would become the 10th state to extend marriage rights to gay and lesbian couples.

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Related: "Modern Family" star Jesse Tyler Ferguson lobbies for Illinois marriage equality

How do your Senators stack up on marriage, Jan. 1, 2013
(Windy City Times)

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