Support for gay marriage jumps in Illinois

Wed. September 26, 2012 11:02 AM by News Staff

Number of Illinois residents who say gay and lesbian couples should be allowed to marry is up 10 points

Springfield, IL - More Illinoisans favor gay marriage now than two years ago, a poll released Wednesday showed.

According to the 2012 Paul Simon Public Policy Institute poll conducted between September 4-10, 43.6% of respondents believe gay and lesbian couples should be allowed to legally marry, while 20.2% disagree. 31.8% said gay and lesbian couples should be allowed to form civil unions. Four percent replied other or don't know.

Compared to results from two years ago in the 2010 Paul Simon Public Policy Institute poll, the number of Illinois residents who say gay and lesbian couples should be allowed to marry is up ten points, while those opposing all recognition of gay and lesbian unions has declined by over 6 points.

"We are thrilled and amazed that such a huge shift in public opinion relating to marriage equality has occurred in just two years," Randy Hannig, Director of Public Policy for Equality Illinois told "As more and more gay and lesbian people courageously come out to their friends, family, and coworkers, we continue to witness a change in perception from our straight loved ones who better understand our fight for true equality."

Rick Garcia, Director of The Equal Marriage Illinois Project, a program of The Civil Rights Agenda focused on marriage equality, said, "This is the same trend we are seeing across the country, as more and more people embrace the idea that gay couples deserve the equal responsibilities and protections that marriage affords."

State Rep. Greg Harris (D-Chicago) has introduced equal marriage legislation in the Illinois House of Representatives. The Equal Marriage Illinois Project is supporting the legislation by organizing across Illinois in support of gaining equal marriage rights in the state through the legislative process.

The Paul Simon Public Policy Institute at Southern Illinois Carbondale has conducted an annual statewide poll since 2008. Simon Polls cover topics such as the deficit, state spending and taxation, vote intention and politic reform in Illinois.

The 2012 Simon Poll focused primarily on the ethical climate and political reform in the state. The current poll has a 2.77 point margin of error.

On the Web: The 2012 Simon Poll on Ethics and Reform in Illinois (PDF)