Poll: Wisconsin views on gay marriage shift slightly

Sun. July 22, 2012 9:22 AM by Wisconsin Gazette

Milwaukee, WI - A survey of Wisconsin voters by Public Policy Polling finds that 43 support legalizing same-sex marriage. Opposition is at 47 percent.

Last August, support for gay marriage in Wisconsin was at 39 percent and opposition at 50 percent, according to PPP.

Republicans in the state oppose marriage equality – the percentages are 12 percent for, 81 percent against.

A majority of Democrats, however, support marriage equality – 68 percent, up from 62 percent a year ago.

Independents are at 47 percent in favor of gay marriage.

PPP finds that 69 percent of Wisconsin voters favor recognizing same-sex couples at least with civil unions – a 2-point increase from last August.

PPP, a liberal firm, surveyed voters on other issues:

• U.S. Herb Kohl's approval rating is 46 percent.

• Ron Johnson's approval rating is 38 percent.

• Green Bay is voters' favorite city, with Appleton in second place.

• Voters give a higher approval rating to cheese than beer, but both ratings are high, with cheese's likability at 85 percent and beer's at 66 percent.

• Milwaukee Brewer Ryan Braun's approval rating also remains high among Wisconsin voters – at 55 percent.

Article provided in partnership with Wisconsin Gazette.