Kansas school teacher equates being gay with commiting murder

Sun. May 20, 2012 10:19 AM by Wisconsin Gazette

Huthison, KS - A middle school social studies teacher in Buhler, Kan., is under fire for a Facebook post that compares being gay to being a murderer.

Jack Conkling, who is also an assistant women's basketball coach, wrote that homosexuality "ranks in God's eyes the same as murder, lying, stealing, or cheating."

According to the Huthison News, several of Conkling's students left comments on the post, drawing the attention of school officials. Although the school district has no Facebook policy for teachers, the school's principal said officials are "looking into it."

Kansas Equality Coalition condemned Conkling's post.

"What would Mr. Conkling say to a student who is getting bullied for being gay or lesbian?" the organization asked in a statement.

The Advocate ran the full text of Conkling's post:

"All this talk in the news about gay marriage recently has finally driven me to write. Gay marriage is wrong because homosexuality is wrong. The Bible clearly states it is sin. Now I do not claim it to be a sin any worse than other sins. It ranks in God's eyes the same as murder, lying, stealing, or cheating. His standards are perfect and ALL have sinned and fallen short of His glory. Sin is sin and we all deserve hell. Only those who accept Christ as Lord and daily with the help of the Spirit do their best to turn from sin will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. There aren't multiple ways to get to Heaven. There is one. To many this may seem close minded and antagonistic, but it doesn't make it any less true. Folks I am willing to admit that my depravity is just as great as anyone else's, and without Christ I'd be destined for hell, if not for the undeserved grace of God. I'm not condemning gay marriage because I hate gay people. I am doing it because those who embrace it will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven. And I desire that for no one."

Article provided in partnership with Wisconsin Gazette.