Dutch World Cup Team tells Qatar legacy of hosting FIFA World Cup depends on LGBTQ rights progress

Mon. December 13, 2021 3:35 PM by Gerald Farinas

qatar will host fifa world cup november 2022

photo credit // gopride.com

Qatar considers consensual intimacy between persons of the same sex a crime

Qatar, one of the richest countries in the world, is hosting the FIFA World Cup next year despite having a lack of progress for human rights at home. Among their mistreated are its migrant laborers and LGBTQ residents.

Netherlands Football Association (KNVB), which will be sending the Dutch team to the World Cup, has issued a challenge to the host country: shape up on human rights if Qatar wants to leave a legacy as host the most important soccer tournament in the world.

KNVB General Secretary Gijs de Jong said that the Netherlands will make a statement with their participation in Qatar by visiting labor camps and highlighting any progress made with, or absence of, LGBTQ rights.

The Dutch have a adopted a policy of "football supports change" and urges other football associations to join them.

Qatar has promissed that any LGBTQ players and fans travelling to its country for the World Cup will be safe and that Pride flags will be allowed in the stands at their stadiums.

However, any consensual intimate activities remain on the books as illegal and punishable with imprisonment.