Calif. adds more states to state-funded travel ban over LGBTQ laws
Wed. June 30, 2021 10:36 AM by Gerald Farinas

los angeles international airport
photo credit // eric salard
State refuses to pay government travel to states with discriminatory laws against LGBTQ
Chicago, IL -
In an effort to halt the flow of California taxpayer money into states with anti-LGBTQ legislation, the Golden State has added five more states to its restrictions.
Arkansas, Florida, Montana, North Dakota, and West Virginia are being added to a list that already includes Alabama, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, and Texas.
California state legislators or administrators needing to do business in those states will have to pay out of their own pockets for their stays.
Attorney General Ron Bonta said, "There has been a coordinated attack on fundamental civil rights" in these states. "When states discriminate against LGBTQ Americans, California law requires our office to take action."
That law is called Assembly Bill 1887 and was passed in 2016. The measure was meant to avoid financing LGBTQ discrimination being legislated in other states.
California state Rep. Evan Low (D-Campbell) is an openly gay legislator who helped create the law.
After court rulings struck down public bathroom laws that restrict transgender persons from using the restroom that matches their gender identity, more states have opted to legislate broad anti-transgender laws.
Some states like Wisconsin are attempting to ban transgender youths and young adults from competing in public school sports, from kindergarten all the way on up to the University of Wisconsin system.
Arkansas, Florida, Montana, North Dakota, and West Virginia are being added to a list that already includes Alabama, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, and Texas.
California state legislators or administrators needing to do business in those states will have to pay out of their own pockets for their stays.
Attorney General Ron Bonta said, "There has been a coordinated attack on fundamental civil rights" in these states. "When states discriminate against LGBTQ Americans, California law requires our office to take action."
That law is called Assembly Bill 1887 and was passed in 2016. The measure was meant to avoid financing LGBTQ discrimination being legislated in other states.
California state Rep. Evan Low (D-Campbell) is an openly gay legislator who helped create the law.
After court rulings struck down public bathroom laws that restrict transgender persons from using the restroom that matches their gender identity, more states have opted to legislate broad anti-transgender laws.
Some states like Wisconsin are attempting to ban transgender youths and young adults from competing in public school sports, from kindergarten all the way on up to the University of Wisconsin system.