Wis. governor creates gender neutral parent notations for birth certificates
Tue. June 29, 2021 12:23 PM by Gerald Farinas

gov. tony evers supports gender neutral language
photo credit // vijay kumar koulampet
Gov. Tony Evers says this is part of his commitment to gender neutral terminology
Madison, Wis. -
As of July 1, Wisconsin will begin issuing birth certificate forms that use gender neutral options to note the parents of a child. Democratic Gov. Tony Evers announced the new Department of Health Services initiative.
The forms will allow persons to identify as parent and parent versus mother and father—or as parent and parent giving birth.
Evers said in a statement, “This change reflects my and my administration's commitment to gender neutral terminology and to recognizing that Wisconsin families are diverse and should be valued and respected.”
This will also be standard on the Spanish and Hmong versions of the form.
The forms will allow persons to identify as parent and parent versus mother and father—or as parent and parent giving birth.
Evers said in a statement, “This change reflects my and my administration's commitment to gender neutral terminology and to recognizing that Wisconsin families are diverse and should be valued and respected.”
This will also be standard on the Spanish and Hmong versions of the form.